Ecclesia Pistis Sophia – South Africa Study Group

Seeing the Good, Being the Good (Tov)

The masters of the tradition have instructed us, saying, “The Holy Shekinah cannot rest upon a depressed person,” and so they say, “Cultivate joy, and become attractive to the Shekinah and she will come.”

Joy naturally arises when there is a focus upon what is positive, good and true, therefore if we wish to cultivate joy, then we need to look within and see our positive qualities, drawing out what is good and true in us. The truth is we accomplish nothing good by focusing upon our weaknesses, or upon our faults and negative qualities. Generally speaking, all that does is generate heavy energy and sorrow, a state quite opposite to the Holy Shekinah. This is not to say that there is no a place for self-awareness and self-reflection, or for the practice of the silent witness suspending self-judgment – there is, indeed, a place for this, but as a conscious practice when it is time. Typically, the majority of the time, we are better off focusing on all our positive qualities, all that’s good and true in us, for this will generate more energy and a higher vibration in consciousness, and it will lead to joy, happiness.

When you want to look and see the good in yourself it is very easy. Begin with one positive quality, one point of goodness or truth, and then look and see another, and another, and continue in this way, adding all of the positive and good qualities of yourself together – see the good and focus upon cultivating the good, rather than focusing upon what’s “wrong with you.”

Make this your habit.

If you want to add to your joy, your happiness, and become perfect in seeing the good (tov), then learn to practice this with others as well – instead of seeing the faults and weaknesses of others, see their positive qualities, the good and truth and light that is within them, and do whatever you can to help them recognize the innate good in them and to help them draw it out. In other words, learn to make others joyful, happy, and you will experience greater joy, greater happiness.

Make this your habit.

Having received the Word, it is time for us to recognize that a negative view accomplishes nothing good, but rather, it only leads to more negativity, more sorrow and suffering; and likewise, it is time that we look and see that the Holy Shekinah does not rest upon us when we cleave to negativity – quite simply she cannot, for it would defeat her purpose! Recognizing this, it is time for us to cultivate a completely positive view, and to labor to draw out the innate good from within ourselves and others – generating good upon good, light upon light, as it were.

If and when we do this, without a doubt the Holy Shekinah will rest upon us, and the Holy Spirit will move with, in and through us.

Here there is something that must be said. According to Gnostic gospels, receiving the Word we are perfect, or rather, the Word itself that is spoken is that we are perfect, that in our essence and nature there is innate goodness, light and truth – all we need to do is be who and what we are in God, the True Light, and let this innate perfection, goodness, shine from within us.

All we need to do is be, cleaving to what’s good and true, godly.

May we be blessed to recognize our innate perfection in Christ. Amen.

Peace be with you!

February 17, 2011 Posted by | Being the Good (Tov) | , , , , , | Leave a comment